Early Years Foundation Stage
At Al Shohub our EYFS starts at Nursery (3-4 years) and progresses to FS2 (4-5 years). This is a time of rapid growth for young children, when they are developing physically, emotionally, intellectually and socially, and therefore we keep our class sizes small, with additional adult support.

The primary school at Al Shohub consists of six year groups, split into two Key Stages:
Key Stage 1 – Year 1 (5 to 6) and Year 2 (6 to 7)
Key Stage 2 – Year 3 (7 to 8), Year 4 (8 to 9), Year 5 (9 to 10) and Year 6 (10 to 11)

Early Years Foundation Stage
At Al Shohub our EYFS starts at Nursery (3-4 years) and progresses to FS2 (4-5 years). This is a time of rapid growth for young children, when they are developing physically, emotionally, intellectually and socially, and therefore we keep our class sizes small, with additional adult support.

The primary school at Al Shohub consists of six year groups, split into two Key Stages:
Key Stage 1 – Year 1 (5 to 6) and Year 2 (6 to 7)
Key Stage 2 – Year 3 (7 to 8), Year 4 (8 to 9), Year 5 (9 to 10) and Year 6 (10 to 11)